The benefits of Shopping Secondhand

Shopping secondhand may take time but there are so many advantages to it!  After years of helping women with their closets I can honestly say there are so many clothes out there that are in new or like new condition that end up at consignment or thrift stores.  Taking items to consignment is a way to make a little money and pass your items on in a responsible way where they don’t end up in the landfill.  If you aren’t worried about getting any money back for the items then there are so many great thrift shops that support wonderful causes  that you can donate to.   And the best part is  that someone else benefits from something that was just taking up space in your closet and never being worn.

What are some of the biggest benefits of shopping secondhand?

-You can try a variety of brands all in one place and you may even discover brands you didn’t know about.

-Once you identify the brands that fit you best you can look for those specific brands in the future.

-If you have an item, style or brand that is no longer made sometimes you can find these gems hidden at consignment and thrift shops.

-You have the opportunity to buy brands that are higher end and better quality for a fraction of the price.

-If you need some transitional pieces for weight fluctuations ( as many women struggle with, myself included) then you can buy some staple pieces at an affordable price.

-If you have a special occasion that requires an outfit you are not likely to wear often you can buy secondhand to stay within a budget and not have to spend money on something new.

I hope these tips helped and you are inspired to buy secondhand or at least do some  browsing! Its’ fun to see what you might find!

Some of my favorite local shops are:

Pennies for Change Thrift Store, Durham, NC

My Secret Closet, Hillsborough,NC

The Stock Exchange, Chapel Hill, NC


“Too Much”

These days we all have too much.  Too much comes in many forms:  I sometimes laugh when working with a client because everyone is different and we all have our collection of something.  What is your collection?  I have seen mountains of T-shirts saved from events but never worn, shoes, shoes and more shoes… you women know what I am talking about!  With kids it is stuffed animals and collections of tiny items like legos and stuff from the last birthday party favor bag!  With hoarders stuff may come in the form of recycling or trash or rotten food.

We all have a relationship to our stuff and that is why we organizers have a job!  Do you ever think what it would be like to be free of it all?  A few clients have joked that if they lit a match and started over it might not be a bad thing.  But have you really put yourself in someone else’s shoes and thought about what it would be like to just have the clothes on your back?

I always find it helpful to get a fresh perspective.  The other day when working with a client we were talking about donation and places around town.  Everyone is familiar with Goodwill, Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, Kidney Foundation and so many others but sometimes I wonder who are we missing?  When my car is loaded down with a donation to take to Goodwill for a client, I find myself thinking I wish I could take this to someone in need right now and go right to the source.  Now I am certainly not saying that these organizations are not worthy and a great place to donate to.  But I would love to know that today or tomorrow someone has a clean shirt and new pair of shoes or a coat on a cold winter day because of me or one of my clients.

Did you know that the Charlotte Men’s Homeless Shelter houses over 500 men who would otherwise be out on the street?  Next time you are struggling with cleaning out your husband’s closet or stressing over how much money you spent on that coat that was hardly worn think about how your “TOO MUCH” can be the one cherished item someone else truly needs…