Happy Valentine’s Day!


I must confess that I have already swapped out my winter boots for some sandals! Spring is around the corner and I’m ready! 

This got me thinking…how can we add some fun to those dreary winter days?

I’m here to give you a little inspiration…let’s start with these adorable cards pictured above that I found at Trader Joe’s for 99 cents! They have the cutest cards and designs for all different occasions.

Do you know one of the biggest benefits of getting rid of the excess and de-cluttering your home? You have time for those fun projects and extra details that elevate your home. This is a way to add your style and personality and enjoy those simple luxuries; like sending a handmade card or buying yourself fresh flowers.

What small thing can you do today to brighten up your space?

Happy New Year…its the little things that make the biggest difference.

Happy New Year!

In January all we hear about is everyone setting big goals for the New Year?

But what if we take the pressure off and set some small goals that are an easy win?

The one thing I truly believe is that it is the little things that can make the biggest difference in our homes, closets and wardrobes.  What are some examples to make small changes that are super attainable?

-De clutter your drop zone area and set up a pretty tray or dish for keys.

-Add new throw pillows to your couch to refresh your living room.

-Add a lamp in a dark corner or buy fresh flowers.

-Make your bed everyday.

-Shop your closet and put together 3 outfits that are easy for grab and go.

-Follow the “one in one out” rule. You buy something and get rid of something. This will help keep your house manageable.

-Set up a donation bin or basket to make it easy.

-Tidy up your car… and the list goes on!



Plan ahead for the holiday season

The holidays can get so busy and hectic and we can forget to stop and enjoy the little things. What if you planned ahead and alleviated some of that holiday stress? After all, it is the little details that make the holidays even more magical.

So what is one of  the most important things you can do to plan ahead and cross some things off your list now?

-First things first…Clear the cluttered surfaces and piles.

(I know this does not sound fun but I promise it will be worth it!)

Once you clear the clutter from the drop zones like the dining room table, kitchen island, entryway and  you stop using the guest room as a storage area then your home will be so much easier to maintain.

What are the benefits of a less cluttered home for the holidays?

-You can entertain at a moments notice.

-You are always ready for overnight guests.

-You don’t have to stress at the last minute.

-Your home is so much more fun to decorate for the holidays.

-Cleaning and tidying up is so much easier.

-You have time to spend with family and friends.

-You can spend more time on the fun details and magic of the holiday season.


How to create a peaceful bathroom


What does elevating your bathroom look like?

There are so many ways to make your bathroom feel more like a spa. More spacious, relaxing and peaceful.

Over the years I have organized so many bathrooms. It is one space that can easily get cluttered and chaotic. But with a few simple changes you can make your bathroom feel so much better. It starts with de cluttering and simplifying your products. Next comes the fun part…accessorizing and styling your bathroom. We want your bathroom to be easy to maintain but it can be beautiful as well.

Tips for creating a spa like feel:

-Upgrade your towels to a matching set. Get rid of any old scratchy towels that are falling apart. You deserve better! Add some hand towels with a waffle weave texture to create that spa like feel.

-Add real or battery powered candles.

-Bring the outdoors in by adding a real or fake plant or flowers.

-Choose a favorite fragrance of some sort in the form of a reed diffuser, fancy soaps or a room spray. Something that smells fresh and clean.

-Elevate your countertops by using glass or ceramic canisters for things like q-tips, dental picks and cotton balls.

-Add some color and texture by using a decorative tray, decorative bowls or a basket on the top of your counter for items you need out for daily use. I love repurposing items you already own in new and creative ways.

-Designate a drawer or basket for self care and pampering for things like masks, scrubs and bath salts.

-And the not so fun but necessary maintenance to keep your bathroom feeling good:

-Toss any expired products. Old facial products and old makeup can cause breakouts.

-Take everything out and wipe down your drawers and products.

-Simplify your beauty routine. Let go of those products that just didn’t work for you and now you feel guilty about tossing them. If they are new and in a pump or spray form you can always donate them to a women’s shelter.

-Use drawer liner or drawer organizers so it’s easier to keep things clean.

-And I’m going to emphasize this one! It makes me crazy..clean your hairbrushes. Pull out that loose hair regularly and wash your brush. Just grab your brush when you are jumping in the shower and add a little shampoo and rinse it off. Easy solution. (I have seen brushes with 5 years worth of hair on them. We can do better!)

I hope this gave you some inspiration… If you need some help tackling your bathroom I’m happy to help!


Your home can be organized and beautiful.

If you had to choose would you choose form or function?

I recently had a discussion about this with one of my favorite clients.

She said that her sister who is artistic will always choose form. But my client herself is very practical so she will always choose function.

But guess what? I am here to tell you that you can have both! This is why I am so passionate about organizing and styling. It is those finishing touches that make your home feel warm and welcoming. These finishing touches also add an extra incentive to keep these areas organized.

There are so many creative ways to provide beautiful storage solutions that are still just as functional and easy to maintain. For example, this is a photo of my client’s bathroom counter. I have worked with her for years and she has a beautiful home that is decorated with earth tones and pops of greens.  When I walked into her bathroom and saw a  dusty clear dish on her bathroom counter with a mixture of buttons, coins and some jewelry thrown together I told her I knew we could do better.

Her first question was if we put some other tray or dish here isn’t it going to look more cluttered? Nope! I assured her that was not the case. I suggested we go straight to the kitchen and look in her cabinets at the entertaining pieces she was not using. We found this beautiful wooden tray and then we grabbed these adorable bowls. The greens in the bowl matched her bathroom accents perfectly.

The whole process took less than 20 minutes but made such a big difference! It didn’t cost her a penny and it elevated her bathroom and gave her a more functional system.

Do you have a spot you could improve in your home by getting creative with some storage?


Are you ready for summer guests?

photo credit: Pure Salt Interiors

Summer can be such a busy time filled with lots of activities and trips. It can also be a time for last minute guests.

-A visit from family or friends or a last minute sleepover for the kids.

– Birthday parties and cookouts, Special occasions and events.

-A neighbor dropping by for a play date or glass of wine.

-A last minute weekend get away or day trip to the beach or lake.

So what can you do to make summer a little easier and less stressful? How can you be ready for your guests and stop that last minute panic?

Guest Room:

-De clutter your guest room now. If it is always ready for guests then there is no last minute panic and shoving everything in a closet.

-Update the bedding and towels. Make sure everything is clean and fresh.

-Make sure the room is clean. Dust and vacuum regularly to keep the cobwebs and dust away.

-Make sure there is a working lamp or some sort of lighting.

-Check your guest bathroom inventory for soap, shampoo and any necessities guests may need.

-Have a space for guests to put their suitcase or hang up a few items.

Household Systems:

Set up household systems so that everything has a place and it is easy to maintain. This makes a last minute clean much easier.

Keep surfaces clear from clutter:

Keep main surfaces as clean as possible. Try not to use your dining room table, kitchen table or kitchen island as a drop zone for papers and other clutter. If these surfaces are easy to clear then last minute entertaining is much easier.

Kids Areas:

Create a summertime routine so that kids areas do not get completely out of control.

There is no reason for “mom” to keep spinning her wheels cleaning up all the time. Kids can be taught routines and taking care of their things; then when they ask to have a friend over no one has to be stressed and cleaning frantically at the last minute.


How does your home make you feel?



Does your home feel like a sanctuary or is it a source of stress and anxiety?

I had an interesting conversation with a longtime client last week. She commented that she loved her powder room and it made her happy. It was recently redesigned with a new bold patterned wallpaper and a textured tile backsplash. Along with a new beautiful navy vanity and a fun piece of artwork.

Before my client even said anything I had been thinking how much the powder room represented her fun bold and colorful style. And how streamlined and clutter free it was compared to other parts of her house. So I asked her “What if your whole house could feel as good as this powder room?”

You don’t have to tackle your whole house at once. Just take one space at a time. Walk around your house and take inventory of what spaces and things you truly love. Less is more..you can create the home you have always wanted.

Take one room at a time and be a ruthless editor. De clutter, organize and style it so it represents your current lifestyle. And your style right now. Not the you from 5 years ago, not your ex-husband’s style and not the hand me downs from your family and friends you are keeping out of guilt. Keep only the things that feel like you and make YOU happy. (Of course, you do have to be mindful and respectful of other family members and their spaces.) But start with what you can change and you and everyone else will notice a difference I promise!

Living room design for senior clients


I got a call from some clients that I have worked with for years. They are a sweet older couple in their late seventies and wanted to convert one of their guest bedrooms into a cozy den.  I was so excited to help with this project! The only things they really had in the room were 2 new recliners and a TV stand that had a fireplace insert. (Which they said they absolutely loved the coziness the fireplace added so that right there gave me some ideas.) So the design was a clean slate!

I suggested we do a cozy library feel with lots of browns and oranges. Soft glow of candles and fireplace.

They had an eclectic mix of artwork so we discussed that 3 different types of art would not work in the room. Southwest, Thai dancers and a barn. We decided to use some beautiful prints we had discovered while de cluttering my client’s office. They were beautiful brown sketches with an old world feel and would definitely go with the vibe of the room. We redistributed the other pieces of art to different areas of the house.

We started with a Pinterest board to narrow down color palette and general aesthetic. I encouraged them to order a low bookcase to go on an empty wall to add some warmth. I suggested we style it with some mementos from their travels, old books and a few new accessories. It would also be a good place for my client to keep his lap top and any reading materials he wanted near his recliner.

I took them shopping and it took us a little over an hour to find everything left on our list!

It really is amazing how a cohesive color palette and accessories can completely transform a room.

We still have a few tweaks and things to add but I love the way it turned out. It is such a cozy relaxing room. And the best part… the dog agrees!


Things I envisioned for the room:

-Low bookshelf in a dark wood to match TV stand

-Vintage sketches framed above bookcase

-Panoramic picture on long wall above recliners

-Faux plant to bring outdoors in (they did not want maintenance of a live plant and very little light comes in room).

-Battery powered candles in metal votive holders to create a cozy relaxing vibe

-Rug with warm colors like brown, orange and green

-Curtains in a neutral color

-Display old books and mementos from travel

-Stained glass lamp

-Wooden tray

Colorful Office Design For My Client


I recently worked with one of my longtime clients on designing her office. She is a doctor who was moving to a new office space and wanted to make it colorful, fun and inviting. Because I know her style and personality I had a vision in my head and I knew it would embrace her personal style! The office was pretty drab to start with so we really wanted to add some blues and pinks to give it some pop.

We started with a Pinterest board and narrowed down some of the options I presented to her. Things that were on the list:

-Cabinet for storage but not too big

-Bar cart to use for extra storage and add some glam

-Round rug to add color and warmth but not get in the way of the door opening

-Colorful fun art- I chose a few alcohol ink paintings because I thought they would be a bold fun look.

-2 cozy chairs for patients to sit in

-Standing desk positioned so she could see out the window

-Round mirror to reflect light

-Faux roses to add some pops of pink

What is your favorite part?

The Advantages Of A Closet Clean-Out

How is your closet feeling this Spring? Are you constantly wearing the same few outfits? Are you frustrated with your wardrobe? Tired of trying on things that don’t fit or don’t feel like you?

This is why I LOVE closet edits! A good closet clean out can provide so much clarity and save you time, money and frustration. Once you get rid of everything that isn’t working then you will feel so much better! When the seasons change it is the perfect time to evaluate what you actually wear. The seasonal swap is a great time to take inventory and you can make an intentional shopping list based on what you truly need. Then when Summer rolls around your closet is organized and your wardrobe is refreshed! Just in time for those summer vacations.

This photo shows a closet of “styled” outfits I have put together for my busy client. We know all of it fits and looks great on her. The whole outfit is ready, complete with jewelry! It’s an easy grab and go. No more last minute clothes crisis before work, your next event or a last minute trip!

I like to shop your closet and mix different colors, pieces and accessories so that you never get bored with your wardrobe. There are so may great staple pieces that can be styled a million different ways. Once you have the staple pieces you need then it makes getting dressed so much easier. The staple pieces in your closet are the building blocks to an outfit and the accessories and third layers are the icing on the cake.

How would you feel if you could open your closet and have an outfit ready for any occasion?

Let’s dive into your closet! I’m ready when you are.