Plan ahead for the holiday season

The holidays can get so busy and hectic and we can forget to stop and enjoy the little things. What if you planned ahead and alleviated some of that holiday stress? After all, it is the little details that make the holidays even more magical.

So what is one of  the most important things you can do to plan ahead and cross some things off your list now?

-First things first…Clear the cluttered surfaces and piles.

(I know this does not sound fun but I promise it will be worth it!)

Once you clear the clutter from the drop zones like the dining room table, kitchen island, entryway and  you stop using the guest room as a storage area then your home will be so much easier to maintain.

What are the benefits of a less cluttered home for the holidays?

-You can entertain at a moments notice.

-You are always ready for overnight guests.

-You don’t have to stress at the last minute.

-Your home is so much more fun to decorate for the holidays.

-Cleaning and tidying up is so much easier.

-You have time to spend with family and friends.

-You can spend more time on the fun details and magic of the holiday season.