How to decorate with candles

Have you ever looked around and thought your home might be missing something?

Maybe it just doesn’t feel warm and inviting. It lacks that calm and cozy feeling?

One of my favorite ways to add a calming cozy vibe to your home is by decorating with candles.

My husband and I suffer from allergies and live in a small space so I try to limit my real candles to one lightly scented candle.

I might be a little obsessed with adding battery powered candles around our home though! The soft amber glow reminds me of a fireplace and has an instant calming effect on me. I set my battery powered candles on timer mode and they come on at night after dinner and are perfect for setting a relaxing mood.

I am picky about the quality of my fake candles and like them to flicker and look realistic. Battery powered candles are definitely not all the same.

Another way you can elevate the look is by placing the battery powered candles in glass or metal votive. I love the way the light reflects through the metal cut outs or off the glass. I mix my real and fake candles on the same tray so its hard to tell they are not real.

How do you feel about candles? Do you have certain nightly rituals and routines that you follow in your home?

How to style your home with faux flowers


I love decorating with real and fake flowers. They can add so much color and life to a space.

It doesn’t matter what season we are in…flowers can be changed out for spring, summer, fall and winter.

You can reuse some of the stems and alternate others depending on the time of year.

I like to choose vases that can pretty much work year round so I don’t have to store too many extras.

Flowers are perfect for decorating an entryway table, bathroom counter, dark corner… the possibilities are endless.

I truly believe if you add these extra details to your home it will make you more accountable in keeping your home organized and de cluttered. Do you really want to create a drop zone next to a beautiful arrangement of flowers?

Adding extra finishing touches to your home will help you be more intentional about maintaining your newly styled space.

I am very picky about the flowers I choose looking real. These roses are a favorite and have fooled many people from a distance! They are a little more on the expensive side but totally worth it! I get them at Michaels believe it or not.

Some tips I use when decorating with flowers and creating vignettes:

-Choose stems and flowers that look more realistic.

-Create a cohesive color palette with other decorative items. This will create a “vignette” and make things really stand out and flow.

-Selecting flowers with texture adds another layer of interest and warmth to your space.

-You are not limited by a small space. There are so many cute bud vases you can use on bathroom counters and places where space is limited.

-Get creative and play with some arrangements and you will be surprised how flowers can brighten up your space and instantly lift your mood.

How to elevate your style

Do you look at your home and wardrobe and think… something is missing?  You just can’t put your finger on it.

I truly believe the key to elevating your style is to add accessories. Sometimes a space in your home needs a refresh but you don’t want to do a complete remodel.  You CAN redesign and refresh your space on a budget by accessorizing.

You can completely change the look and vibe of a room by changing out the accessories.

Accessories add color, texture, pattern, depth and so much more.

For your home… Think throw pillows, curtains, rugs, decor, books, art, lighting, candles, plants and flowers.

For your wardrobe.. shop your closet and mix up your looks with jewelry, scarves, shoes, handbags, third layers and hats.

Questions to ask yourself when it comes to interior styling or creating outfits:

Are you not sure how to define your personal style?

Do you know what you like when you see it but have no idea how to put it together?

Do you struggle with how to combine colors and patterns?

I am here to help if you need it!


Style your space for the New Year

Have you noticed when you take down the holiday decorations you feel better without all the clutter BUT it can look a little sparse and sad?

It is a New Year after all so change some things up and refresh your space!

My favorite thing to do after the holidays is give all the surfaces a good wipe down. (get all that glitter off).

Once you have cleared the spaces and wiped them down then get creative when putting things back.

Is there any excess clutter or things that have just landed there accidentally? This is your chance to start with a clean slate.

Only put back what you love. I realize things have to be functional as well. But they can be beautifully styled and be functional. One of my absolute favorite ways to elevate a space is to add a decorative tray. We have 2 decorative trays on our entryway table. One has to be functional and holds a bowl with our keys, my husband’s sunglasses and a few other things.

But the second tray is my fun area where I like to decorate seasonally. I have battery powered candles in various styles of votives on there. And I also have my favorite scented candle and I burn it all year long.

I have a faux plant or a vase of faux flowers depending on the time of year and then I add some twinkle lights.

You would not believe what a difference these details can make. They add so much warmth and coziness.

There are so many ways to accessorize your home without spending anything or spending very little.

Some of my favorite accessories to change the look and vibe of your home:

-Throw pillows and blankets

-Candles and twinkle lights

-Faux or real plants and flowers

-Decorative trays, bowls, boxes (these are a great way to add beautiful storage and still have a practical space.)

-Display favorite mementos from travel or sentimental items in creative ways.

-Go to thrift stores and find unique pieces that tell a story. Mixing old and new gives a home some interest.

-Do not display and keep things out of guilt. (because someone gave it to you or you spent too much money on it).

Display what you love and what represents your personal style.

What do you already have in your home that you can restyle and refresh your space?

A simple way to add warmth to your home

Do you ever feel like your home is missing something? Maybe it just doesn’t feel warm and inviting?

A really easy and inexpensive way to add warmth to your home is by adding texture. There are so many ways to do this without running out and buying a bunch of stuff. You can repurpose things from other areas of your house that aren’t being used or appreciated. Texture can instantly elevate a space and add those finishing touches that were missing. 

Here are a few easy ways to add texture to your space:

– Plants, flowers, vases

– Decorative boxes and trays 


– Pottery

-Throw pillows and blankets 


-Rugs or tapestries 


Search your home to see what you can use in a more creative way!


Fresh Flowers and Feng Shui

Have you ever thought buying fresh flowers for yourself was a luxury? Maybe it seems too expensive and frivolous? I used to feel the same way until I started following the amazing Amanda Gibby Peters and bought her book “Simple Shui for Everyday.” You can read more about the advantages below in her post.

If you are at all interested in Feng Shui she is a master and so inspiring. And even if you think Feng Shui is too woo woo…buy yourself the flowers anyway because you are worth it! I truly believe it’s the little details that make such a difference in our homes and how we feel!

your *excuse* to buy fresh flowers…




The little things do make a difference…

Do you ever say to yourself “Well this room is a mess and I don’t have time to do a big cleanup so there is no point in trying?”

I’m here to tell you the little things not only make a difference but they also provide motivation to do more! There are so many times that I have worked with clients who say “That area isn’t a priority and it doesn’t really bother me.”

Until….we improve the spaces around that area and suddenly it really jumps out as an eyesore and starts to drive them crazy.

This is why I am so passionate about organizing AND styling your space.  When you style your space or even just a corner of the room and love the way it looks then suddenly you feel better and want more of that feeling in your home!

What is one small thing you can do today to make your space feel happy?